Sunday, July 26, 2009

"A True Warrior of Sickle Cell Anemia Disease"
I am an exceedingly fortunate Sickle Cell Anemia Disease survivor on my journey to fulfill my greatest heavenly desire. Despite livivg with Sickle Cell Anemia Disease ( a blood disorder with deformed red blood cells ) for 34 years, I'm very excited about my purpose and destiny in life today. God is a bonified super natural deliverer. He is mighty awesome and exceptionally worthy to be praised all the time. Through constant prayer and a determined mind to walk by faith- God continues to bless me with total restoration, keeping me whole. My steps are amazingly ordered by God because through him and Christ Jesus, I have the strength to do all great things. I'm truly appreciative for dear life and the best condition of health that I have right now. He's blessed me to live and experience motherhood twice and given me my match made in heaven husband- whom unconditionally loves and is highly supportive to me in everyway . There has been many many detours upon battling this disease, but I must say, "God has always constructed a brand new road for me to make a positive come-back on". Thank-you Lord! I give you all the worship, praise and glory!!

As I continue to peek into my destiny, I see so many open doors with great opportunities just waiting for me to come through. My main purpose in life stems from the natural talent God gifted to me upon my creation. Some refer to it as "your calling in life". I'm an excellent writter and not just's my favorite hobby of all. In-fact I am featured in an edition of Who's Who Among American Highschool Students because of my gift to write. God is getting me prepared to release my first work of art and I'm excited as well as thrilled. I'm definitely ready to be taken into my next level of destiny. It is my passion whether it be old school ( pen and paper ) or our newest technology by computer. Writting remains my primary focus and dream to author a book, sharing my strong willed testimony with as many lives as I possibly can on how I fought, struggled, pushed through and continue to live a complicated, but highly favored life of battling Sickle Cell Disease.

Sometimes when you are constantly bounded by sickness and disease, people tend to forget, the mind is still alive, open and sharp. Sanity is my key tool in living my life. I have a broad mind of intelligence and I refuse to allow any affliction an opportunity to take it from out of my control. It is the greatest gift that God could've ever given to me. He formed it with such talent and creativity. My best has yet to come. I have been witnessed to that the Lord created me to be who I am for a special reason and I am so ready for it. Sickle Cell Disease has deprived me in many many ways of living my life to the fullest and accomplishing certain tasks of my desire, but as I continue on further within my destiny- it is evident that God's purpose for my life is the very dream of my own. I am just tapping into it on his time which is certainly always the best time. The most beautiful essence about my God given purpose has everything to do with my dreams coming true. He is an awesome God!! . I'm reaching for that sparkled dazzling star that exclusively shines with gleam so brightly! And along my merry way, enjoy the magnificent places that I have only seen in the mind. Soon I'll be living my dream and seeing all in person.



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